Choose a Challenge

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Make 2020 the year of adventure...

As we enter a new year, our thoughts often turn to our goals and resolutions for the months ahead. While we hear the cliched ‘new year, new me’ at every turn, we have to argue that, while there’s always room to grow and evolve, we think the old you is pretty fantastic!

The year ahead could be your time to take on a challenge you’ve always dreamed of, make like-minded new friends, see the world from a different point of view and step out of your comfort zone, so why not try out ‘new year, new adventures’ or ‘new year, new dreams’ as your 2020 phrase and go on a journey of self-discovery as you take on the challenge of a lifetime?!

Here are five adventure goals to get your list started…

Personal Development

Taking on a fundraising adventure will encourage you to step out of your comfort zone. You will face the challenges of training for your trek or run and raising funds for your chosen charity, before embarking on a journey to a new destination with a group of strangers to take on an extraordinary challenge unlike anything you’ve ever done before. It sounds daunting, but trust us when we say that this will be the best thing you ever do! Having an incredible goal (and if reaching the summit of an iconic mountain or running 26 miles doesn’t count as an incredible goal, then we don’t know what is!) will motivate you and challenge you in ways you’ve never experienced, and the feeling when you complete your trip can’t be beaten.

One of our Kilimanjaro trekkers once described her adventure as “an introduction to a more exciting life” and we couldn’t think of a better quote to sum up taking on your first challenge!

Helping a worthy cause

There is no better feeling than knowing you are not only taking on an amazing adventure, but you’re also helping to raise much-needed funds for an incredible charity. These trips are no mean feat and are not a holiday, you’ll be trekking in tough conditions and will be challenged physically and mentally, but will be rewarded with a once in a lifetime experience AND knowing you’ve raised a lot of money for your favourite cause. When you sign up to your challenge you are pledging to raise a minimum fundraising amount and there are thousands of amazing UK charities who would love you take on a trek or marathon on their behalf. They are there to support you every step of the way with hitting your fundraising targets and your friends and family will be happy to donate to your cause knowing the epic challenge you’re embarking on!

You can find out more about our charities here:

Meet like-minded new friends

Never pass on an opportunity to make new friends, and heading on a charity challenge is a great way to find people just like you! You will be trekking with fellow explorers of all ages and from all walks of life, those who are seeking adventure, love to travel or are passionate about charity fundraising. We are sure that you will make friends for life on these challenges and will always share a special bond over the amazing experience you went through together!

If you are joining one of our student challenges then you will be accompanied on your trip by your fellow university students, people you may never have met on campus.

Your group will support you, share the best adventures with you, encourage you, push you and, most importantly, help create unforgettable memories with you.

Make your travel count

Now, more than ever, is the time to be aware of travelling responsibly and we know how important this is to our participants. You can still see the world and explore incredible destinations, but do so in a sustainable way. When you take on an adventure with us, you can be safe in the knowledge that you will be travelling with a company who are proud to carry out trips in a sustainable, ethical and transparent operational manner.

For the first time, in 2020, we are offering all of our participants the opportunity to offset the vast majority of their trip’s carbon emissions. And by 2021, our entire company will be carbon neutral. We are also passionate about local impact, the welfare of both locals and animals on our trips, keeping our participants well-informed and protected and being completely transparent.

You can read more about Choose a Challenge and responsible tourism here:

Collect memories, not things

It might be a cheesy quote, but it’s true! When you look back on the year you will think of those magical moments you’ll never forget, the memories you’ll cherish forever and the wonderful challenges you took on, and accomplished! The charity you fundraised for, the destination you visited and the people you met will always stay with you.

Our adventurers always cherish the connection they form with their challenge destination, from the warm and welcoming locals, the delicious food they sample and the spectacular scenery to the unique ways of life, the animals and camping under the stars! On our trips you can really immerse yourself in the local way of life and get a true sense of what the destination is about - making for a truly authentic experience.

Whether you are looking to join a trip this year, or are looking ahead to 2021 (giving you plenty of time to fundraise and get training!) we hope we have inspired you to add a little adventure to your New Year’s resolutions! Remember, “life begins at the end of your comfort zone”.